Insanity Basics
Latest version: Download via KLAD
This is a VCV Japanese reclist that covers every essential combination as efficiently as possible. There are no extra syllables, and no unnecessary repeats.
Download Contents
Regular version of Insanity Basics
insanity basics reclist.txt
Recording list, for reading manually or loading into OREMOOREMO-comment.txt
Romaji comments for loading into OREMOinsanity basics.arl
Recording list with romaji comments, for loading into AkorinInsanity Basics.reclist
/Insanity Basics.mask
/Insanity Basics.wtr
Configuration files for use with WavConfigTool12 beat bgm
bgm100c.wav / bgm100c.txt
GuideBGM for OREMO, 100bpm in the key of C12beatbgm.mid
MIDI version of GuideBGM, can be changed to other keys and tempos
Strings cut into shorter lengths. More lines, and less efficient.
insanity basics short reclist.txt
Recording list, for reading manually or loading into OREMOOREMO-comment.txt
Romaji comments for loading into OREMOinsanity basics short.arl
Recording list with romaji comments, for loading into AkorinInsanity Basics Short.reclist
/Insanity Basics Short.mask
/Insanity Basics Short.wtr
Configuration files for use with WavConfigTool
How to Use
You can use a tool like OREMO or Akorin to automatically name and save your recordings. If using Akorin, load the ARL file. If using OREMO, load the plain reclist and the comment file. If you're using other software, ensure that you record in mono at a 44100Hz sample rate, and save your recordings as 16 bit WAV files.
Because the filenames are in hiragana, you can generate a base OTO using the generator in OREMO/setParam or the generator in Moresampler. Alternatively, you can use WavConfigTool with the included configuration files to generate an OTO. This OTO will include CVVC lines as well. You can make final adjustments with setParam or UTAU's built-in OTO editor.
Terms of Use
You're free to use this reclist for any voicebank, make any modifications, and share the reclist anywhere. It's completely optional to credit the name of the reclist (Insanity Basics) or the writer (KLAD).