Version B: Box
Experimental and untested. One core reclist and several language-specific extensions.

Version A: Box
Stable, recommended. Includes reclist, guide, base OTO, and example UST.

Pre-LEXYS: Box


All phonemes are written in X-SAMPA, which directly corresponds to IPA. Tables are available on the X-SAMPA Wikipedia article.


The LEXYS reclist contains strictly CV and VC samples. VCs are OTO'd with the full consonant included.

Using voicebanks

Due to the lack of consonant clusters, individual consonant sounds need to be approximated via envelope edits.


ZIP format: Google Drive
7z format: Google Drive

  • Stars (chorus only)
    Includes reclist, guide, base OTO, and example UST.

The LEXYS reclist is a modular and multilingual X-SAMPA reclist. There is a core reclist with language-specific extensions, to allow the user to pick which ones they want compatible. Some languages are entirely covered by the core reclist alone. This was the planned update for the reclist, and the beta reclists are contained in the current download.

Terms of Use

You may use the reclist for non-commercial UTAU voicebank projects. You may refer to the voicebank as having been recorded on the LEXYS reclist, but not as a LEXYS voicebank.
For commercial UTAU voicebanks, you may not use the reclist unless it has been modified, and it cannot be referred to as LEXYS.
Modified versions of the reclist should refer to the original as "Adlez27's modular x-sampa reclist" or something similar.

This is a demo of a voicebank using the version A reclist for English.